
The Dalmatian is an active, energetic and creative dog that enjoys lots of exercise and loves to play. They were bred to run for hours alongside a horse or carriage, and have almost endless stamina.

Dalmatians are very people-oriented. They thrive when they spend lots of time with and around their family. Dalmatians are wonderful family dogs, and are great in multi-pet households. Dalmatians can also get along well with cats if introduced appropriately.

This cunning creature who demands (and gets) your love is also an accomplished thief who steals food at every opportunity. It is a good idea to move precious ornaments out of tail wagging reach as one lash from their tail and your family heirlooms will be for the dustbin.

Dalmatians are not suited to living outside. Their short coat gives little protection from the cold. They are much happier indoors for comfort and for the companionship of their family. They like nothing better than a good walk and then to lie in front of the fire!

Dog or bitch?

Both sexes are equally as loving and intelligent, dogs tend to be stronger and slightly bigger than bitches. An unneutered dog will lift his leg to mark his territory. An unspayed bitch can attract all the dogs in the neighbourhood and be messy while in season. The unspayed bitch also runs greater risk of mammary tumors, likewise a neutered male is highly unlikely to develop testicular cancer. Neutering may also assist his temperament and trainability, and will minimise wandering and his need to mark everything he passes.

How long do they live?

Kept in optimum conditions and barring problems you can expect your Dalmatian to live approximately 12 - 15 years